The Christmas Wrapping Party


Association for Individual Development
CASA Court Appointed Special Advocates
Marklund Children's Home
Local Single Young Moms
Mutual Ground
Local Family in need
Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans
Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry
The Smile Train
2015 Photos
2014 Photos
2013 Photos
2012 Photos
2011 Photos
2010 Photo Album
2009 Photo Album
2008 Photo Album

Thank you everyone who participated in the 2017 Wrapping Party!

We had presents for:

30 Adults and Children from AID

32 Children from Marklund Children's Home

32 "Luggage of Love" Bags for CASA

Over 40 items for the Mutual Ground Christmas Store

A very genreous amount of Gift Cards for the Family

Donations for Aurora Food Pantry

Donations for Smile Train


Thank you to:

The Phoenix Club for use of the room and setting up all the extra tables and chairs for us.

All of the generous people who donated money, bought presents, wrapped presnts and donated their time to make this event such a special day.


Martha Schuetz and Betty Chandle


Because of your generosity we were able to help..
30 children from CASA
(Court Appointed Special Advocates) 
30 children and adults from AID
(Association for Individual Development) 
70 gifts and gift cards for the Mutual Ground "Christmas Store"

Presents for a local family

25 Kentucky Mountain Kids
Local Junior High kids and families
Donation to Smile Train 

Donation to the Aurora Food Pantry

We would like to thank all who participated-especially

*The Phoenix Club for use of the room
*Val Bohr for the delicious doughnuts
*All the people who helped with the delivery
*Everyone who donated stuffed animals for the tops of the packages 
*Everyone who purchased and wrapped presents
*Everyone who donated money and gift cards

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of the 2015 Wrapping Party.
We assembled and wrapped Gift Boxes for
30 children from 
the Kentucky Mountain Kids,
30 children from CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates),
a local junior high student and his family,
30 disabled adults and children through AID
(Association for Individual Development)
a recently widowed area mom and her 5 kids,
5 young mothers working to finish school and their babies from Maryville Casa Imani
and supplied gift cards for Moms and kids from Mutual Ground.
We also collected donations for The Smile Train
and donations for the Aurora Food Pantry.
Thank you to:
*The Phoenix Club for donating the use of the back room
*Val Bohr for the delicious Harner's donuts,
and most especially
Everyone who purchased and wrapped presents.
God Bless You!
Please check out the pictures from this year-it was a fantastic morning!
All this was accomplished because of your generosity.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the wonderful success of the 2014 Wrapping Party! 

Because of your generosity we were able to help..
30 children from CASA
(Court Appointed Special Advocates) 
30 children and adults from AID
(Association for Individual Development) 
70 gifts and gift cards for the Mutual Ground "Christmas Store"

Presents for a local family

25 Kentucky Mountain Kids
5 Local Junior High kids and families
Donation to Smile Train 

Donation to the Aurora Food Pantry

We would like to thank all who participated-especially

*The Phoenix Club for use of the room
*Val Bohr for the delicious doughnuts
*Tim White for the truck to deliver presents
and all the people who helped with the delivery
*Everyone who donated stuffed animals for the tops of the packages 
*Everyone who purchased and wrapped presents
*Everyone who donated money and gift cards

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the wonderful success of the 2013 Wrapping Party!

Because of your generosity we were able to help..
30 children from CASA
(Court Appointed Special Advocates)
30 children and adults from AID
(Association for Individual Development)
20 Mutual Ground clients
11 Kentucky Mountain Kids
37 Local Junior High kids and families
One Smile Train Surgery
2000 bags of rice for the Aurora Food Pantry
(with Matching Program)

We would like to thank all who participated-especially

*The Phoenix Club for use of the room
*Val Bohr for the delicious doughnuts
*Tim White for the truck to deliver presents
and all the people who helped with the delivery
*Everyone who donated stuffed animals for the tops of the packages
*Everyone who purchased and wrapped presents
*Everyone who donated money and gift cards

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thank you to all who contributed to the fantastic success of the 2012 Wrapping Party!

We assembled and wrapped Gift Boxes for

4 families from Mutual Ground,

7 local junior high kids and their families,

Groceries and grocery gift cards for all of our families,

30 disabled adults and children through AID,

28 kids through Kentucky Mountain Kids,

and 25 children through CASA.

We also collected cash donations for 3 Smile Train surgeries.

God Bless you and your families

Merry Christmas

Martha Schuetz     Betty Chandler

Thank you to everyone who helped make the
2011 Wrapping Party
a tremendous success!

Thank you to: 
Phoenix Club-for donating the room
Marcy Guyer & Lion Metal for donating the boxes
Mary & Doug Chandler for donating ribbon and making all the bows
Val Bohr for donating the delicious donuts
Jeff Reuland & Reuland Food Service for using his trailer and delivering the packages
Because of your generosity we were able to help:


30 children from the Salvation Army Angel Tree Program
5 families (5 moms and 14 kids) from Mutual Ground
17 local kids whose familes are in dire need
30 disabled adults and children through AID
the familly of a wounded soldier
money for 10 bags of groceries for the Aurora Interfaith Food Pantry
3 surgeries for the Smile Train and 
All of the extra items that will be taken to Appalachia


Thank you to all who participated in the 2010 Wrapping Party!
Your generosity helped 127 people including:
80 children from the Salvation Army,
Five families from Mutual Ground, a mother and son from West Africa,
a family with children and grandchildren,
a single mom and her son,
20 disabled adults from AID,
donations for 17 bags of groceries for the Aurora Interfaith Food Pantry
and donations for 2 Smile Train surgeries.
Thank you to the Phoenix Club for the use of the back room,
Marcy Guyer and Lyon Metal for the white boxes,
Jeff Reuland for the use of his van and trailer to deliver presents,
Mary & Doug Chandler for ribbon and all the bows for the boxes,
Mary Fitzgerald for ribbon for the boxes,
Val Bohr for the delicious doughnuts
and once again...
THANK YOU to all of you who make this event possible every year because of your generosity!


Thank you to all who participated in the 2009 Wrapping Party!
Your generosity helped:
60 children from the Salvation Army,
two families from Mutual Ground,
ten junior high students and their siblings,
a single mom and her son (help with tuition and groceries)
20 disabled adults from AID
and donations for a Smile Train surgery.
Thank you to the Phoenix Club for the use of the back room,
Marcy Guyer and Lyon Metal for the white boxes,
Jeff Reuland for the use of his van and trailer to deliver presents,
Sue Schwerin for all of the Beanie Babies and McDonald's toys
Mary & Doug Chandler for all of the ribbon and bows for the boxes,and once again...
THANK YOU to all of you who make this event possible every year because of your generosity!

 Thank you to all who participated in the
2008 Wrapping Party!
Your generosity helped:
60 children from the Salvation Army,
the parents and children of the Youngwith Family,
four families from Mutual Ground,
ten junior high students,
enough in donations for almost 2 Smile Train surgeries and
20 disabled adults.

"For it is in giving that we receive"
From the Prayer of St. Francis